Scanning FAQ
What is Crossfeed?
Crossfeed is an asset discovery tool that can be used to monitor and gather information about vulnerabilities on public-facing websites. Crossfeed is developed as an open-source tool, and its code is available on GitHub here.
How can I verify that traffic is coming from CISA's instance of Crossfeed?
All requests sent from CISA's instance of Crossfeed (except for requests to third-party APIs) are sent with the following User-Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Crossfeed/1.0; +
All requests are also signed in order to allow verification that the request was actually sent from CISA Crossfeed. To verify a request, please note down the request URL, "Date" header and the "Signature" header, and send them to
Who can I contact with further questions?
Please contact