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Automatic deployment of CISA Crossfeed

Deployment of CISA Crossfeed is done automatically through GitHub Actions from the cisagov/crossfeed GitHub repository.

Any code pushed to the master branch is automatically deployed to the staging site, and any code pushed to the production branch is automatically deployed to the production site.

Environments are configured to ensure that only specific users with the appropriate permissions can trigger workflows on GitHub Actions or access secrets that perform deployments. At the moment, GitHub Actions jobs that deploy to staging and prod or access credentials for those AWS environments must be manually approved.

Setting up automatic deployment

To set up automatic deployment to your own AWS environment, you must first create an IAM user with enough permissions to the right resources on AWS. Then, set the GitHub repository's secrets AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY to the access credentials of this user.

Manual deployment steps

Here are instructions on how to deploy the different components of Crossfeed manually.


Infrastructure is managed by Terraform. To deploy to staging, run:

cd infrastructure
make init
make plan
make apply


The backend API is managed by the Serverless Framework. To deploy, run:

cd backend
npx sls create_domain --stage=staging
npx sls deploy --stage=staging

To change the environment variables used to build the backend, edit env.yaml. Most of these variables are set through SSM variables (which should be set manually / through Terraform -- see below), but some of these variables are hard-coded and configurable by just editing env.yaml.


Deploying the worker involves building the Docker image and pushing it to ECR:

cd backend
npm run deploy-worker

If the worker_ecs_repository_url output from Terraform changes, you will need to modify ./src/tools/


Deploying the frontend involves building the React code, uploading it to an S3 bucket, then invalidating the Cloudfront cache:

cd frontend
cp stage.env .env
npm run build
aws s3 sync build/ s3:// --delete