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The worker is what runs scans. The code can be found in the backend directory.

When running Crossfeed locally, the Elasticsearch cluster is run as the crossfeed_es_1 Docker container. When deployed, we run an Elasticsearch cluster managed by Amazon Elasticsearch Service.

Directory structure

The file tasks/es-client.ts handles the task of interfacing with the Elasticsearch cluster.


To configure properties for Elasticsearch, you can modify environment variables in .env in the root directory.

If you need to configure Elasticsearch for deployment, you should update the env.yml file. You may also need to update parameters in AWS SSM, as several environment variables use values that are stored in SSM.


Kibana is a tool that helps visualize and query data that is stored in Elasticsearch. By default, Kibana is disabled because it adds a lot of overhead to local development and isn't required for normally running Crossfeed locally.

If you want to view a local version of Kibana (if you, for example, want to inspect the data of the local Elasticsearch instance), you should first uncomment the "kib" section of docker-compose.yml, re-launch Crossfeed, and then navigate to http://localhost:5601.

Syncing with the database

All data is populated to the database by other scans, and synchronization between the database and Elasticsearch is done by the searchSync scan.

The searchSync scan retrieves all domains / services / vulnerabilities / webpages that need to be synced to Elasticsearch, then bulk uploads them to Elasticsearch. Afterwards, it sets the syncedAt column on these entities so that they will not be synced again in the future, until they are updated by other scans.

Indexes and mapping

We use a single index called "domains"; its name might change due to reindexing, so the current name is stored as the DOMAINS_INDEX constant in es-client.ts.

The domain index has a mapping. In order to create or update the mapping, you can run npm run syncdb from the backend directory. This calls the ESClient.syncDomainsIndex(), which will update the index's mapping if it exists, or create a new index if it doesn't exist.

Both services and vulnerabilities are stored with the nested field type. This means that they are all stored on the same domain document, and adding services / vulnerabilities will require updating / reindexing of an entire domain document.

However, webpages are stored with the join field type. This means that each webpage is stored as a separate document in the "domains" index, but contains a value for the parent_join field that indicates that that webpage is a child of another domain document. This makes it more efficient to add or remove single webpages, since it doesn't require reindexing all the webpages for a given domain.

So that the webpage fields don't conflict with fields in regular parent domain records, fields in webpage records are stored with the webpage_ prefix (see schema here).

Building search queries

The search query is built by the buildRequest function on the frontend. As of now, the logic there roughly corresponds to:

    (has a domain matching query) OR
    (has a webpage with body matching query)
  AND (matches filters)

Search results are individual domains, but they may contain snippets of webpage bodies if they contain the webpage content. For example:

![search result](./img/search result.png)

Webpage scraping

Webpage scraping is done by the webscraper scan. This scan uses the scrapy Python library to follow and scrape all links, observing rate limits and respecting robots.txt as well.

When a webpage is scraped, basic information such as the URL and status code are stored in the database through the Webpage model. However, webpage contents and headers are not stored in the database; instead, they are directly uploaded to Elasticsearch.